Thursday, March 18, 2010

ISO Speed & A Splendid Sunrise!

I have been practicing with my camera this week and learning about the ISO settings.   For those that don't know what ISO means, I will tell you what I have learned so far.  ISO stands for the International Standards Organization.  All photographic films are given a rating known as an ISO number that reflects their relative sensitivity to light.  The higher the number the more sensitive the film is to light.  Films with a higher number and more sensitive to light are faster.  Films with a lower number and less sensitive to light are slower. 

Here are some pictures I captured of the sunrise a few days ago.  All of these pictures were taken at the same time of day but each picture is using a different ISO number.  

These next few were taken about 5 minutes later

Aren't the colors just splendid?  The sunrise on this day was too beautiful not to capture on film. 

Now I'm off for some more studying and practice, practice, practice!


  1. They are so beautiful, before you know it you will be a pro.

  2. That's what I love about my new camera... The ISO capability is amazing. You have captured some incredible pictures. Beautiful!

  3. What pretty colors!! I LOVE the sunrises here in Montana. Over here I swear the mountains turn so pink that I think you could EAT them! One morning when I drove to Bozeman, it was really foggy and the sun was coming up. The AIR turned pink. It was amazing. And of course I always forget to take my camera. There is a buffalo ranch along the river there and that is the only place that it wasn't foggy. So pretty!!
